"Aragorn" Owned by Patrick, Barbara, & Alex Hart (Nicknames: Little Weirdo, Gil, Gil-Bear)
Where did Aragorn's name come from? Aragorn is one of the protagonists in J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. The Harts previously owned two Goldens who were named after Tolkien characters (Pippin & Gimli) and the Ridgebacks now follow in those footsteps. One of Aragorn's epithets in Lord of the Rings is "the Heir of Elendil."
~~2022~~ 4th Ridgeback & 2nd male Ridgeback to earn the AKC Rally Champion title Qualifier for 2022 AKC Rally National Championship, Championship class
~~~~ 2nd Place, Master Class, 2021 AKC Rally National Championship #4 Rhodesian Ridgeback - 2021 AKC Rally Ranking #3 Rhodesian Ridgeback - 2019 & 2020 AKC Rally Ranking Qualifier for the 2020/2021 AKC Rally National Championship, Master class